Thankful Thursday

Ruth Gwendola Converse-Kubberness

More strong women in my line:

Ruth Gwendola Converse- Kubberness was my grandmother, my fathers mother (Adoptive). She had a huge influence on my life. She was a very big part of my life for the first 8 years of my life.

My grandma died when I was 8yrs old. She was everything to me and I grieved her lost.I remember when she was sick and visiting her in the hospital she would see bugs everywhere and we made a game of chasing them away for her. During her funeral I approached the casket as looked at her thinking she was just a sleep and I reached out and touched her hand and kissed her cheek, her sweet smell and warmth I was so familiar with was gone. As I watched the casket being lowered to the ground I realized the words that my momma said to me, "Grandma is gone baby she's in heaven."
Soon after she died we moved to California and I missed her so much I would cry myself to sleep every night. One night she appeared before me and told me not to cry, she was in heaven with grandpa and I would see her again someday. She told me my parents would take good care of me and that I would be ok. I never cried for her again but I still miss her deeply and I have wonderful memories. By moving to California I got to meet my maternal grandma and I got close to her fast. She was also an amazing women I admired her strength and her beliefs in God. I have wonderful memories of her as well ad she is also greatly missed. I am very luck to of had these women as my grandmothers. I Love them still.

